Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Affermative Action essays
Affermative Action essays Affirmative Action? A major controversy encompassing the country is the issue of affirmative action. Many believe that the abolition, or at least restructure, of affirmative action in the United States will benefit the nation for many logical reasons. Originally, affirmative action began as an attempt to eliminate discrimination and provide a source of opportunity; affirmative action did not begin as an attempt to support just minorities and women. In addition, affirmative action naturally creates resentment when the less qualified are preferred instead of the people actually deserve the admission or job. Another reason that has existed since the abolition of slavery is the myth that women and 'minorities? cannot compete against white males without receiving special preference or treatment. Money used for the support and continuance of affirmative action cost in excess of 125 million dollars annually. Important programs in the country may benefit from the money received by affirmativ e action bureaucrats. Most importantly, the fundamentals of democracy rest on the equality of all people, whereas affirmative action is actually trying to give minorities and women higher status of importance than Caucasians. If the policies of affirmative action end, then the nation can return to its original equal opportunity policies. The original founders of the Civil Rights Act intended for all people, including majorities and minorities, to receive equal opportunities for education and job positions. Presently, in today's economic system, companies and businesses offering job positions have to meet quotas and statistics proving that they are not discriminating against one race or gender for another. For example, a software company is hiring a new graphics designer to assist in drawing and the creation of graphics. This type of job requires experience and expertise to succeed. There are three applicants for the job offering. One applicant is a white ma...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How involved should the U.S. be Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How involved should the U.S. be - Coursework Example The Realpolitik Policy According to Holzgrefe and Keohane, realpolitik, as a political ideology, pertains to diplomacy or politics founded mostly on power and other material and practical factors in lieu of explicit moral or ideological principles. Similarly, Baofu associated the policy of realpolitik that integrates the philosophical features of pragmatism and realism, implying that politics is amoral, coercive, or Machiavellian in nature (220). With the terrorist belligerence on the World Trade Center, the U.S. government faced the threat of a prospective fusion of military efforts with enormous weapons of mass destruction, as well as that of religious extremism (Johnston 3). Since WWII ended, the Middle East has been subjected to unrelenting struggle for stability and social order yet the present circumstances pose a challenge in mitigating the threats imposed by the region in the modern history of American politics. To carry out an effective change in the region; however, it is i mperative for the present administration to consider its limitations, especially in terms of organising its strategic approach of materializing its interests in the region (Ross and Jeffrey). Considering that the Middle East has rich oil resources, the U.S. government should adopt realpolitik approach in its foreign policy not only to strengthen its military presence against terrorism, but most especially to protect its interests for oil supply. Contrary to the perceptions of people from other countries, Keck noted that acceptance of American political values may be precluded from adopting a realpolitik foreign policy. In most instances, American hostility toward realism is largely caused by a conflict of its basic values despite their unconsciousness of formulating foreign policies, which are in fact, governed by a realist approach. Although the idealistic and isolationist policies could also be an advantage for the U.S., the merits of adopting a policy founded on realpolitik is mo re appropriate since the Middle East plays a crucial role in American hegemony against the war on terrorism. As an opinion, however, if the U.S. intends to have supremacy of political, social, and economic power on a global scale, it must incorporate a realpolitik approach in their foreign policy to establish positive alliances and materialize their interests in the region. From a political perspective, Miller observed that the U.S. government succeeded in attacking the central operations in Al Qaeda, and this could be mainly attributed to having a pragmatic and realistic approach in their military intervention. In contrast to idealistic policy, which supports liberal principles and democratic ideals (Hancock 39), the realpolitik ideology may facilitate social order in that the U.S. foreign policy promotes a collective effort in securing balance of power in world politics. Meanwhile, the isolationist policy promotes the cessation of US involvement in the Middle East, which is to som e extent, an advantage for the U.S. since this may imply lesser intervention and military conflicts. In this regard, however, the realpolitik approach only views the Middle East as an outlet for the U.S. government to control its interests in the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Geographical Relocation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Geographical Relocation - Essay Example Th following ppr is rport, which covrs th issus rltd with th xptrition procss of th workr from London, UK to Mdrid, Spin. Hrin, I im to nlys th cs of such rloction, whn mking nlysis of th country of rloction (th conomy of Spin, tx nd hlthcr systm, insurnc nd politics), providing ovrviw of living nd working conditions nd invstigting th wys tht my fcilitt th rloction nd dpttion procss of workr who xptrit from London to Mdrid. Whn providing th rport I will mk n ccnt on th policy of our orgniztion tht clrly idntifis its gols in ch stg nd thus will rsult in bttr intrntionl prformnc of xptrits. Trining should nvr focus primrily on bnfiting th individul xptrit. Rthr, it should cntr on mting th orgniztion's gols. It should try to mtch th xptrit's knowldg, skills nd comptncis with thos rquird for ch prticulr ssignmnt. Lik most othr trining, its succss should b msurd by how much th orgniztion bnfits, not how much th individul might grow or lrn. xptrition, th prctic of snding hom country mngrs to othr country loctions, is populr, lbit xpnsiv, prctic mong intrntionl corportions (O'Boyl, 1989). xptrits, fmilir with th cultur, lngug, nd customs of hdqurtrs, cn fcilitt th trnsfr of corport cultur btwn hdqurtrs nd th subsidiry, nhncing communiction nd coordintion (Boycigillr, 1991; Rosnzwig, 1994). Thy cn lso provid tchnicl nd mngril skills tht my not b immditly vilbl t th locl lvl. Somtims usd to s tmporry stffing nds, xptrits r lso vlubl s mchnisms for corport control in vitl mrkts. Finlly, xptrits my b utilizd to nforc nd protct th compny's intrsts. xptrition is not without costs. In ddition to th obvious finncil rsourcs ncssry to trnsfr mngr nd his or hr fmily physiclly to Spin, thr r hiddn costs s wll. ssignmnts oftn my not b compltd, ncssitting th rplcmnt of th xptrit (Bird & Dunbr, 1991; Blck, 1988). In ordr for th rloction procss to b ffctiv, th xptrit tht is bing snt to Mdrid, should djust to locl customs nd try to incrs his job stisfction nd ffctivnss. Th conflict t workplc tht might ppr round diffrncs on norms nd cultur my frustrt th workr nd cus th convrs ffct. Morovr, th workr might wnt to rturn to his formr work in hom country nd in such wy cus th unncssry xpnss for th compny tht invstd mony in his xptrition. nothr hiddn cost ssocitd with xptrition is th inbility to rtin th xcutiv upon rturn to th hom country. Mny xptrits do not hv gurntd positions t hom onc thy succssfully complt thir ssignmnts. Th xcutiv oftn rturns to find himslf/hrslf on th priphry of th orgniztionl infrstructur. For tht rson, bfor dprtur, xptrit should b rssurd tht his workplc in hom compny will b kpt upon th nd of his xptrition. xptrit pr-dprtur knowldg cn contribut to both work nd gnrl djustmnt ovrss (Blck, 1988), whn such knowldg includs informtion bout th trnsition. This cn rduc mny of th uncrtintis ssocitd with th nw rol. Work djustmnt includs th xtnt to which th xptrit is bl to djust to th lvl of rsponsibility ssocitd with th ssignmnt s wll s to his/hr py schdul. djustmnt to th gnrl nvironmnt rfrs to th individul's bility to djust to non-work fctors such s housing conditions, shopping, nd hlth fcilitis. Intrstingly, prvious intrntionl xprinc ws rptdly found not to prdict xptrit nd spousl gnrl djustmnt during xptrition (Blck & Grgrsn, 1991b). This suggsts tht mny spcts of ovrss xprinc r not gnrlizbl from on ssignmnt loction to nothr or tht xptrit mngrs r not bl to trnsfr thir lrnings concrning djustmnt in on country to nothr.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Economic and Environmental Advantage through sustainable Real Estate Thesis
Economic and Environmental Advantage through sustainable Real Estate Development - Thesis Example As human beings were created on earth as the prime form of living specie their actions towards their survival started to effect the earthââ¬â¢s environment. The actions of the human species are collectively known as anthropocentric movements. In its initial days of survival the actions of human beings were environment benign, as they opted to live by initially through hunting, then through grazing and after that through cultivating. Though all these specially cultivation did put pressure on the environment mainly through cutting of trees in order to extract more cultivable lands to support the ever growing population but it was nothing in comparison to what did actually happen after industrial revolution. Industrial revolution initiated an unprecedented level of deforestation towards clearing of areas for industrial setups and to provide more and more wood as fuel to the industries as well as a raw material for industrial, commercial and residential setup. After the initiation of the industrial revolution miles after miles of land were cleared of through cutting of trees and buildings either for industries, office or residence were set up. Unlike the rural buildings that were mostly made up of materials taken from the environment1; these buildings were made out of concrete and other man made materials that are far more durable but had a tendency to heat up the surrounding environment and initiate other environmental maladies. The industrial revolution also started migration from village to towns and cities in search of jobs in industries. Urbanization led to congestion in cities through increased numbers of un-zoned buildings, too high of a person to room ratio and to a biomass that was far from the permissible level on a given piece of land. Commercialization of agriculture; lead to the shifting of technology from conventional environment friendly to energy intensive and chemical prone farming2. Apart from deforestation, and its associated environmental
Friday, November 15, 2019
Programming Independence Essentially Protects The Auditor S Ability Accounting Essay
Programming Independence Essentially Protects The Auditor S Ability Accounting Essay Programming independence essentially protects the auditors ability to select the most appropriate strategy when conducting an audit. Auditors must be fair to approach a piece of work in whatever manner they consider best. As a client company grows and conducts new activities, the auditors approach will likely have to adapt to account for these. In addition, the auditing profession is a dynamic one, with new techniques constantly being developed and upgraded which the auditor may decide to use. While investigative independence protects the auditors ability to implement the strategies in whatever manner they consider necessary. Basically, auditors must have unlimited access to all company information. Any queries regarding a companys business and accounting treatment must be answered by the company. The collection of audit evidence is an essential process, and cannot be restricted in any way by the client company. Reporting independence protects the auditors ability to choose to reveal to the public any information they believe should be disclosed. If company managers have been misleading shareholders by falsifying accounting information, they will strive to prevent the auditors from reporting this. It is in situations like this when auditor independence is most likely to be compromised. Independence is fundamental to the reliability of auditors reports. Those reports would not be credible, investors and creditors would have confidence with them, if auditors were not independent in both fact and appearance. To be credible, an auditors opinion must be based on an objective and disinterested assessment of whether the financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. On the other hand, Frank claimed that Auditor independence helps to ensure quality audits and contributes to financial statement users reliance on the financial reporting process. An auditor who is independent in fact has the ability to make independent audit decisions even if there is a perceived lack of independence or if the auditor is placed in a potentially compromising position.(2007) Nonetheless, even when the auditor is in fact independent, one or more factors may lead the public to believe the auditor does not appear independent. This may cause u sers of financial statements to believe they cannot rely on financial information. At mean time, auditor should take responsibilities for detecting material errors and material fraud. Because in Xerox, they are many accounting manipulations can easily cause fraud, the audit should find out those fraud, identified and reported those fraud risk. Q6: The first questionable accounting manipulation is acceleration of lease revenue recognition from bundled leases. This manipulation will affect revenues account, because Xerox accelerated the lease revenue recognition by allocating a higher portion of the lease payment to the equipment instead of the service or financing activity. By reallocating revenues from the finance and service activity to the equipment, Xerox was able to recognize greater revenues in the current reporting period instead of deferring revenue recognize to future periods. There are two auditor procedures can suit for this environment. First is use internal procedure, recalculation: checking the mathematical accuracy of documents or records. Second it external procedure, confirmation: the process of obtaining a representation from a third party. For questionable accelerated of lease revenue from lease price increase extensions, increase in the residual values of leased equipment and acceleration of revenues from portfolio asset strategy transactions. All those three manipulation will increase revenue account and income statement. Because in short term it will immediate increase reverse, but it sacrifice the long term profit. To protect company long term profit, auditor should observation all the processes and procedure the performed. On the other hand auditor should re-performance, it means the auditors independence execution of procedures previously performed by entity staff. For questionable manipulation of reserves. This manipulation will affect equity account. Because Xerox established an acquisition reserve for unknown business risk and unrelated business to the reserve account to inflate earning. It means Xerox put money in equity account to prevent potential risk, but it unrelated to expenses. It easy causes fraud. Auditor can use observation procedure, to looking at processes and procedures being performed or use inquiry procedure, to seeking information from knowledgeable persons. For questionable manipulation of other income. This manipulation will affect cost and expenses account. Because Xerox elect to recognize most of the interest income during period years. The cost and expenses account will reduce in period years, and meantime make that years report look better. To appropriateness of this practice, audit should use analytical procedure. Compare the date with similar prior-period date, to keep the report justice. For questionable failure to disclose factoring transactions. This manipulation will affect revenues account and asset account. From material, we can know Xerox sold future cash from receivable account to local banks for immediate cash. It made Xerox have a strong cash position in the present year, like the revenues account will increase, on the other hand sold receivables to bank must take some lost. The asset account must decrease. It also easy cost fraud. Audits can use inspection of tangible assets and analytical procedures. Inspection of tangible assets can find out the total asset increase or decrease. Xerox company failure to disclose factoring transaction should record in annual report, so use analytical procedure will disclose this problem. REF: Arens.,Best., Shailer.,Fiedler.,Elder.,Beasley. (2010). Essentials of Auditing, Assurance Services Ethics in Australia. Chris Richardson Frank D. (2007). CPAs Views on Auditor Independence. Society of Certified Public Accountants
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Legalization of Marijuana :: informative weed essay
Legalizing marijuana could lead to new medicinal purposes. This seems to be the strongest argument in legalizing this substance. Marijuana is a controlled substance, also known as a narcotic. More commonly named in the past, hemp plant or cannabis, is one of the oldest known psychoactive plants in humanity. The main ingredient in marijuana that causes the ââ¬Å"highâ⬠people get form smoking it is known as THC (ââ¬Å"tetrahydrocannabinolsâ⬠). A native of central Asia, cannabis may have been cultivated as much as ten thousand years ago. It was cultivated in China by 4000 B.C. and in Turk Stan by 3000 B.C. It has long been used as a medicine in India, China, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South Africa, and South America. The first evidence of the medicinal use of cannabis was during the reign of the Chinese Emperor Chen Nung five thousand years ago. ââ¬Å"It was recommended for malaria, constipation, and rheumatic pains (Grinspoon, Lester. 3) Since then many American research facilities have tried to cannabis find medicinal purposes for the drug. In the twentieth century has been proposed or shown to be useful as a medicine for many disorders and symptoms. As the results of various state research programs indicate, marijuana may be a remarkably effective substitute for standard drugs. ââ¬Å"In one study of fifty-six patients who got no relief from standard anathematic agents, 78 percent became symptom-free when they smoked marijuana.â⬠(Grinspoon, Lester. 25). Marijuana is also used for medicinal purposes in disorders such as: cancer chemotherapy, glaucoma, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, paraplegia, AIDS, chronic pain, rheumatic diseases, depression and other mood disorders. Though all of these have valid reason to legalize marijuana the FDA has yet to approve of it. "Today drugs must undergo rigorous, expensive, and time-consuming tests to win approval by the Food and Drug Administration for marketing as medicines." (Grinspoon, Lester. 226 ) Those who are suffering from various diseases are also excluded from the use of marijuana. If cannabis was made legal, there are several medicinal uses for it. The most recent is a study of the effects of marijuana on Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system. Eventually victims of the disease may become totally paralyzed and forced to use a wheel chair. According to the BBC news, (an English news website), about 200 people have signed up to take part in the first national study of the effects of this narcotic on the disease.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Reagan Domestic Policy and Developments
Colin Nardella Mr. Conroy AP U. S. History Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois to Nelle and John Reagan. Reagan graduated from Eureka College and studied economics and sociology during his four years there. Eureka College, located in Illinois, was founded by abolitionists who belonged to the Christian Church religious movement (Eureka College). Reagan, a member of the Christian Church himself, based many of his political stances on the values he took from his religion and the college he attended. Before entering into politics, Reagan started out as a radio sports announcer and later became a prominent actor and a television host. During Reaganââ¬â¢s acting career, he became president of the Screen Actors Guild from 1947-1952, which was dealing with suspicions of communist infiltration at the time. After his acting career, he hosted the popular television show, General Electric Theater (ââ¬Å"American President Ronald Reaganâ⬠). From Reaganââ¬â¢s time in public service, he was able to gain fame in his acting career. Reagan is most known for surviving an assassination that was attempted by John Hinckley, a mentally disturbed young man from Colorado. Whatââ¬â¢s extremely disturbing was the reasoning behind his assassination. Hinckley attempted to murder the president not for a political agenda or because he was a part of another party, but mainly for the attention of the actress Jodi Foster. On March 30 1981, after being gunned down, Reagan was rushed to the local emergency room, and while facing death Reagan still kept his character and jokingly asked the surgeons in the emergency room if they were republicans. As a result of his recovery from the traumatic event, Reagan not only pulled through quickly, his popularity among the American people highly increased as he returned to work at the White House (ââ¬Å"American President Ronald Reaganâ⬠). Yet with the good comes the bad, Reaganââ¬â¢s popularity rate wouldnââ¬â¢t stay high for a long period of time due to the decisions that would have a major negative impact on the nation economically, as well as socially. A few months after coming back to office Reagan, was confronted with a major crisis. In the month of August in 1981, the U. S. ir controllers went on strike because they felt they served a substantial amount to their government. Therefore, they felt they deserved to be on U. S. government pay-roll, even though at the moment, they were on a pay-roll through a different union. One would think that Reagan would see where the air controllersââ¬â¢ frustrations resulted from, and yet instead of coming to agreement Reagan pul led something extremely dramatic. He came to the decision to fire each air controller that went on strike. Reagan then replaced these skilled gentlemen with individuals who were nowhere near qualified and labeled as ââ¬Å"scabsâ⬠. As a result of his negative actions, the commercial flight industry would soon face even more hardships (ââ¬Å"American President Ronald Reaganâ⬠). This was just the tip of the iceberg that lowered his popularity rate. Reagan continued with actions that just kept disappointing the American people each and every time his actions did not meet his domestic policy goals. What Reagan failed to address, was not the economic issues in the United States, but the fact that his actions were negatively affecting the social issues in the country as well (ââ¬Å"The Reagan Administrationâ⬠). When it came to the major AIDS crisis in the United States and the controversial drug issue in the United States, Reagan refused to accept that these two topics were deemed to be critical issues among the people. Whatââ¬â¢s highly disturbing is the fact that while the AIDS epidemic was hitting the country at full force, the United Statesââ¬â¢ own president was denying the fact that it was an epidemic even with all the facts in front of him (ââ¬Å"American President Ronald Reaganâ⬠). President Reagan looked at the AIDS epidemic extremely casually. In fact, he felt that it wasnââ¬â¢t a social issue, but instead more of a ââ¬Å"moral issueâ⬠. Reagan believed that while America was on a moral decline, the AIDS virus was spreading like wildfire. In short, he felt the younger generation lacked the morals that would prevent selfish sexual behavior. So when people of the young generation were diagnosed with the horrid virus, the president looked down on them with disdain. As a result of this theory, Reagan lost a lot of support from the young voters. In this case, the president showed his very conservative beliefs, especially his lack of understanding. Reaganââ¬â¢s conservativeness is evident in his dislike of abortion and homosexuality. Reagan used the Moral Majority as a driving force in his administration. The Moral Majority was a new political movement created by Reverend Jerry Falwell, who said, ââ¬Å"Americans are sick and tired of the way the amoral liberals are trying to corrupt our nation,â⬠in 1979. This movement was also against drugs, the coddling of criminals, and communism (The American Nation). Reagan realized that the United States was in an economic crisis, and figured the best way for the United States to save billions, was to cut the funding of several programs. Reaganââ¬â¢s domestic policy placed a heavy emphasis on cutting taxes, balancing the actual US spending budget, and worse, taking support away from social welfare programs that many lower class Americans needed on a daily basis to survive. Although Reagan promised to cut the budget, his presidency resulted in a national debt, mainly from his military and defense spending. President Reagan supported taking away from programs that helped out the minorities of the United States. Even worse, Reagan took away from programs that assisted single mothers and children with no guilt what so ever (ââ¬Å"The Reagan Administrationâ⬠). During his presidency, he continued to take away from the social programs, in hopes that the US government would be able to save billions. Eventually the United States government minimized welfare program spending by over $20 billion. Reagan also succeeded in slashing taxes to a point where the government was barely collecting any income revenue. Now even though the Americans loved the tax cuts, they failed to realize that tax cuts arenââ¬â¢t always the best solution, especially in an economic crisis. The American people and the Reagan Administration failed to realize that without revenues from taxes, the government was unable to pay for the services it provided. To add fuel to the fire Reagan not only dramatically reduced tax rates, but worse increased total government spending, particularly in the areas of defense. Reagan also reduced federal aid to education, federal contributions to state governments, and placed new restrictions on Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Surprisingly enough, Reagan supported government aid to private schools run by church groups, even with the constitutional principle that separates church and tate (The American Nation). This support showed yet another example of the Moral Majority playing a significant role in Reaganââ¬â¢s domestic policy. Yet unfortunately, the Reagan Administration was unable to control the increasing government spending rate (ââ¬Å"The Reagan Administrationâ⬠). The United States government was spending billions w ithin their own military, mainly because Reagan believed the U. S. armed forces had been deteriorating and needed to undergo a re-building process, especially with the imminent fear of Soviet attack. As a result of this spending policy, the U. S government increased their military budget by about 35 percent. This military spending budget also included the War on Drugs. In 1987, Reagan signed a drug enforcement bill that granted $1. 7 billion to fight drugs. Furthermore, Reagan increased the space program budget. During his presidency, the manned space shuttle Columbia, which was launched by rocket power, orbited the Earth for several days and was used for the transportation of satellites into space. Another space shuttle called Challenger, which was launched in 1986, is infamously known for its explosion after takeoff, causing the death of all its seven astronauts (The American Nation). The Reagan administration did not have easy terms in office, in regard to the nationââ¬â¢s domestic situation. The administration was forced to deal with a major economic recession, a year after his election. President Reagan believed that his system of ââ¬Å"Reaganomics,â⬠could get his country out of an economic crisis and turn it in to ââ¬Å"boomingâ⬠economy. Reagan asked Congress to lower taxes by 30 percent, which he reasoned would leave people with more money that they could use to invest. Reagan believed that these investments would stimulate the economy by generating more goods and more jobs (The American Nation). But what Reagan and his administration failed to realize, is that while they did make the American people happy with the tax cuts, they also increased the national debt because their spending did not make up for the loss of profit. Also, the administration didnââ¬â¢t keep in mind the social well-being of some people when they cut spending from multiple welfare programs and educational programs. Reagan showed a greater interest for military programs in his spending then social programs. Also, it is important to note that Reagan nominated the first female justice to the Supreme Court, when he chose Sandra Day Oââ¬â¢Connor. The Reagan administrationââ¬â¢s accomplishments and mistakes will be permanently remembered in our nationââ¬â¢s history for decades to come; hopefully one generationââ¬â¢s mistakes can help the future generation avoid issues within our economy, and government as a whole. Bibliography ââ¬Å"American President Ronald Reagan (1911ââ¬â2004). â⬠Millercenter. org. Ed. Lou Cannon. University of Virginia. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. . Carnes, Mark C. , and John A. Garraty. ââ¬Å"Chapter 31. â⬠The American Nation : a History of the United States. 13th ed. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2008. Print. ââ¬Å"Eureka College History. â⬠Eureka. edu. Eureka College, 2007-2009. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. . ââ¬Å"The Reagan Administration. â⬠HowStuffWorks ââ¬Å"Learn How Everything Works! â⬠Discovery Communications. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. . ââ¬Å"Ronald Reagan. â⬠Whitehouse. gov. The White House. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. . Reagan Domestic Policy And Developments By: Colin Nardella
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Culture of Welfare Dependency essays
The Culture of Welfare Dependency essays The issue of welfare dependency has been the topic of debate for many years. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the culture of welfare dependency and to present the available evidence on the issue. The discussion will also focus on how this topic is sociologically relevant. Finally we will state that the conclusions that we have drawn from the The Social Security Act of 1935 created a program known as Aid to Dependent Children. (Smith-Brandon, and Tang) Originally this program was designed to shield children from the full effects of poverty. However, in the years that followed the program has become an alternative to finding employment. (Smith-Brandon, and Tang) The article explains that "for many decades, some welfare recipients have received AFDC benefits for several generations, and they do not have to "work" for their "money" (welfare checks/benefits). Many critics have argued that the antipoverty program has created a more intractable social problem by promoting unstable, single- parent families; encouraging illegitimacy and the abandonment of families by fathers" (Smith-Brandon, and Tang) In his book Losing Ground, Charles Murray points out that the government spent an enormous amount of money on social welfare programs. Murray asserts that "From 1965 to 1980, the federal government spent about the same amount on job programs, in constant dollars, as it spent on space exploration from 1958 through the first moon landing." (Murray) The author also asserts that the progress that America made to improve poverty has been impeded by the welfare system. (Murray) This issue has created generations of women and children that are dependent upon the welfare system for their survival. There has been some attempt to stop this cycle in recent years but in some cases these programs have created new problems. Over the next few paragraphs we will discuss ot...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A Guide to Valentines Day in Japan
A Guide to Valentine's Day in Japan Do you have any plans for Valentines Day? Is there a special way of spending this time in your culture? Learn how the day of love is celebrated in Japanese culture.à Gift-Giving In Japan, it is only the women who give presents to men. This is done because women are considered to be too shy to express their love. Though it might notà be true especially inà modern times, Valentines Day was thought to be a great opportunity to let women express their feelings. Chocolates Women typically give chocolates to men on Valentines Day. While chocolates are not necessarily the customaryà giftà to give, this is a custom that smart chocolate companies have spread to boost their sales. This tacticà has been very successful. Now, chocolate companies in Japan sell more than half of their annual sales during the week before Valentines Day. Men are supposed to return gifts to women on a day called White Day (March 14th). This holiday is a Japanese creation. Giri-Choko But dont get too excited when you get chocolates from Japanese girls! They might be giri-choko (obligation chocolate). Women give chocolates not only to their loved ones. While a true love chocolate is called honmei-choko, giri-choko is the chocolate given to men such as bosses, colleagues or male friends that women have no romantic interest in. In these cases, the chocolates are given just for friendship or gratitude. The concept of giri is very Japanese. It is a mutual obligation that the Japanese follow when dealing with other people. If someone does you a favor, then you feel obligated to do something for that person. Valentines Cards and Expressions Unlike the West, sending Valentines cards is not common in Japan. Also, the phrase happy valentines is not widely used. On another note, happy birthday and happy new year are common phrases. In such cases, happy ~ is translated as ~ omedetou ã Šãâ 㠧㠨ã â . The Color Red Which color do you think is the color of love? In Japan, many people would probably say it is red. Heart shapes are usually in red and red roses are also romantic gifts.à How do the Japanese see the color of red? How do they use it in their culture? Readà Japanese Conception of Redà toà learn the meaning behind the color red in Japanese culture and how it is used in society.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Ecommerce law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ecommerce law - Essay Example Suppliers, on the other hand, are limited to bring a dispute only in the MS of the consumer's domicile (Art. 162). These rules are not limited by the 'means' that the contract was concluded (Art 151c), such that it covers contracts concluded electronically, extending the protection to e-consumers. English Common Law, on the other hand holds that the choice of law will be that chosen by the parties6 unless it is not bona fide or illegal7 and can only be overridden by the mandatory rules under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 272. The absence of a choice of law, in this sense renders the country with the closest connection applicable.8 Under the Rome Convention (Convention), since it can apply to disputes regardless if the parties are members of a contracting state to the convention (Art 2); "a contract shall be governed by the law chosen by the parties" (Art 31). ... In the United Kingdom, these are set by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, as well as precedents in Common Law. In all three laws, the applicable law will be that chosen by the parties. However, under the three laws, for the rules regarding the absence of a choice of law to be enforced, it is required that 'steps necessary for the conclusion of the contract,' as well as 'specific invitation' or 'previous advertising' are conducted in a country for that country's rules to be applicable (Convention, Art 52; Regulation, Art 133a; Unfair Contract Terms Act 272).9 These provisions, however, entail certain problems. First, the lack of clear definitions regarding fundamental concepts, such the word 'professionals' for both the Regulation and the Convention; and the definition of 'goods and services' under Art 5 1 of the Convention, which does not cover the sale of software as well as content downloads, are bound to create jurisdictional problems for consumers. Second, with regard to the Convention, the rules are not flexible enough to cover changes in the geographic location of the consumer (Art 5 4), which are common in online transactions. This is in contrast to Art 15 1c of the Regulation, where the directed activity concept caters to changes in the consumer's geographic location, provided that they are within the target audience of the professional; which unfortunately is rendered problematic due to lack of legal definition of 'professional', as mentioned above. Third, the consumer is also in danger of losing the protection of his domicile' s 'mandatory rules' as stated in Art 72 due to the requirement in Art 52 that the supplier must first indicate intent to reach a certain market to be applicable, illustrating inflexibility. Last, with
Friday, November 1, 2019
Evaluation Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Evaluation Argument - Essay Example Regulations that would control production of materials in media that do not meet ethical requirements have not been made. Where these regulations exist, very few people have confidence in them. The major cause of worry is the fact that these media products are accessed by small children who are easy to influence. With education and training, children access these social media services. Media sites are made available to these children because they come in a wide variety. Many organizations and groups have risen in opposition to media sites that advance immoral behaviors, but still a lot is left to be done. Organizations that are opposed to these media sites raise the question of who allows these unethical materials and the motives of producers. In the current world, technological advancement has saturated the world reaching to young children. Children are allowed to watch games that emphasize on winning and losing. Although these values are good to adults, it takes away the values of loyalty for seniors from the value system of children. On the other hand, time on social media has taken the time for family discussion. Dinner conversations have been overtaken by facebook, twitter, emails, and websites. Watching movies and TV shows have taken the place of counseling for children by parents. This has resulted in children who have no value for ethics (Carter 29). The technological advancement has made media devices too available for young children. This way, young children are able to operate computers and access sites that are not showing ethical materials. Sites that show naked people are popular among children as a result of peer influence. These have resulted in decay of morals of these young children. Use of media has not been subjected to social ethic scrutiny. This has resulted in production of materials that are against widely accepted morals within a society. Regardless of this, there are no functionally reliable laws to regulate materials that are posted i n social media. In America, TV industry was allowed to employ free rating in production of their programs. This allowed them to regulate what they produce regardless of who they reach. In return, the TV industry has resulted in production of programs that are indecent morals. Many of American citizens believe that this law will help reduce the rates of indecency acts in media (PR Newswire par 3). Awareness of existence of these media sites that show immoral materials are known by all people including policy makers yet little has been done about them. Religious organizations raise alarm but little response is realized. On the other hand, individuals who have been found guilty of publicizing immoral materials have not been convicted because are there are no laws that regulate materials to be published. There are few states that have regulations laws that bind violators of moral values. According to PR Newswire (par 5), TV industries accept payment for morally indecent materials that m ay promote moral decay of the people who consume them. Federal Communications Commission allowed these productions to go on air arguing that these programs should be run at a time that is later than midnight. On other cases, internet service providers receive money from producers of immoral programs and blogs and websites. This has deteriorated the case of immorality levels in the world (PR Newswire par 5-7). The behavior of children and adults who consume these materials continue
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